Tuesday 1 January 2013

Rules for the Lonely Planet Flickr photo challenges

These are the general rules which apply to Lonely Planet’s Flickr photo challenges.  The theme changes with each challenge, and we’ll let you know what the theme is prior to the commencement of each challenge.

To enter one of our photo challenges, you must do the following:

Join Lonely Planet’s Flickr group (if you’ve not already done so).During the first week of the challenge, submit one (1) photo into the group pool, and tag it using the name of the theme for the then current challenge.  Make sure that, in the photo description, you say where it was taken.  We encourage you to geotag your photos (here’s Flickr’s guide on how to geotag).Entry is free, and you can only enter once per challenge.  Your entry must not have been placed in either the 1st, 2nd or 3rd places in an earlier Lonely Planet Flickr challenge, and must not have been digitally edited, altered or manipulated (other than cropping, resizing or file processing to optimise the quality of the photo).Make sure you comply with Flickr’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service (because, aside from anything that Flickr might do, failure to do so will render your entry ineligible).Lonely Planet reserves the right to reject any entry which it deems (in its absolute discretion) contains objectionable or offensive content.  A photo which displays an identified or identifiable person may infringe on that person’s right of privacy or may disclose that person’s personal information. Avoid submitting images which depict people in private or vulnerable situations and, where possible, try to get the permission of people featured in your image prior to submitting it.You then need to vote for 5 entries in the current challenge that most make you want to travel and best exemplify the theme of the challenge (if you don’t vote for 5 entries, you will be disqualified).  Note that you cannot vote for your own photo.  Voting takes place in the second week of the challenge.  You can search the entries for the current challenge via this link.  You are encouraged to add your personal reflections on the photos you vote for. Copy and paste the voting code for the current challenge into the comments of the 5 photos you vote for.If your entry receives 5 or more votes, please post a small version of it in this thread. Also post your photo there if it is not coming up in the tag search. Flickr explains why your photo may not be captured in a search here. And Flickr also explains how to post photos in threads here.The photo with the most votes wins.  Winners will be announced on the date set out above.You warrant that your entry is your own work and does not infringe any third party rights (including copyright and privacy).Entries may be featured in our photography blog on our website (http://www.lonelyplanet.com/blog/lonely-planets-weekly-travel-photography-comp/), but we will ask your permission before using your entry in this way.  You give us a licence to use your entry for the purposes of the Flickr photo challenge you enter. You consent to us attributing authorship to your registered ‘handle’ and we may contact you to request that your real name be used. We will never publish your real name without permission. Other than stated in these conditions of entry, no further use will be made of your entry.

The winner will receive a Lonely Planet travel guide book of their choice.  By submitting your entry you agree that these conditions of entry apply to your entry.  Lonely Planet respects the privacy of others, and we will only use your personal information to tell you if you’ve won.  You can find Lonely Planet’s privacy policy at http://www.lonelyplanet.com/legal/privacy-policy

View the original article here

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